Plus-Sized Model Is Body-Shamed And Laughed Out Of Disney

We live in a time when people are sharing more about themselves than any time in the past. It is not unusual for somebody to post a picture online and before you know it, thousands or perhaps even millions of people have seen it.

Some of the people who share these pictures online do so to gain a following and get some attention. They are known as Internet influencers, but things don’t always go as smoothly as possible for these individuals.

An example of this is Gracie Bon, an online plus-size influencer who regularly shares videos on TikTok. In this particular instance, she wanted to take some time to enjoy a day with friends at the Paris Disney park, but things didn’t go as she had expected.

She was there with her siblings at the theme park to make some fun memories but her day was ruined by people laughing at her and taking pictures as she was moving about through the park. She said: “It’s time to stop body shaming other people.”

“I wanted to have fun with my siblings, but our day was ruined by all the people [who] were making fun of the size of my body,” she continued. “And the worst part is that they teach their kids to do the same. They kept taking photos of me, they gave me bad looks all the time or just kept laughing at me.”

“I know you may think that I am exaggerating and that it’s my fault for being a big girl. But this is literally what God gave me. And I have to embrace every single part.”

Gracie has a following of over 3 million people on TikTok and 6 million people on Instagram. When she was enjoying her day, she felt bullied by people looking and laughing.

“Even if you have a condition or you look different, you shouldn’t get bullied for the way you look,” she went on to say. “I would never talk negatively about someone else’s appearance.

“Respect is key. This should be a safe place where everyone feels comfortable. And I wasn’t doing anything. Just existing,” she said. “At the end of the day, I just wanted to have fun like everyone else.”.

It’s unfortunate that her day at Disney was ruined, but let’s hope that she can move on and keep being an inspiration to others.

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