Are you able to find the hidden animal in “The Elusive Panda”?

A crazy visual challenge has gone viral, and only 1% of people are said to be able to find the bear hiding in a picture that has gone viral. The puzzle, which was posted by TikTok author Hectic Nick, has gotten a lot of attention, and many users are trying to find the animal.

The task is easy: look at the picture and find the panda that is hiding there. But a lot of people are finding it hard. Some users are giving up, while others are sharing their tips for finding the panda. Some people have had luck by moving their phone, turning it over, or making their eyes fuzzy.

Some users, though, have found the puzzle surprisingly simple. One wrote with confidence, “Panda: shake the screen.” Others have said they saw the panda right away and were proud of it, with one saying, “I’m in that exclusive one percent.” “Yes, please.”

Experts have weighed in with their tips for people who are having trouble finding the panda. Associate Professor Paul E. Dux from the University of Queensland says that some people are better at “spatial attention,” which helps them focus on certain parts of a place. Professor Dux also says that sometimes people are just lucky and see the panda right away.

Professor Barton Anderson from the University of Sydney says that people who are having trouble finding the panda should try looking at the picture from afar or trying to make their vision blurry. If you follow these tips and don’t give up, you might be able to find the panda and join the elite 1% club.

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