Completely mute girl surprises everyone when she tells her therapy donkey these magical words

When rescuers found Shocks on a farm in Ireland, he was lying on a field with a rope tied around his neck, which severely injured the skin of the animal.

Completely mute girl surprises everyone when she tells her therapy donkey these magical words

For some reason, its owner decided that ordinary bleach would help with ulcers and abrasions. And without thinking twice, he “healed” the donkey with this remedy.

Of course, he aggravated the situation. The unfortunate Shocks was taken to a veterinary clinic, and then to a shelter in Birmingham, where he found friends among his relatives and himself learned to “heal”.


Completely mute girl surprises everyone when she tells her therapy donkey these magical words

Children with developmental problems or simply in need of psychological support are brought to the reserve, where Shocks ended up.

The hero of this story thus met Amber, who at that time was two years old.

The girl underwent a complex surgical procedure at birth: she underwent a tracheotomy but damaged her ligaments.

Completely mute girl surprises everyone when she tells her therapy donkey these magical words

As a result, the child could neither speak nor make any sounds.

In addition, Amber was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis – cerebral palsy.

Because of this disease, it was difficult for her to gain strength and move.

Completely mute girl surprises everyone when she tells her therapy donkey these magical words

The girl’s parents were told about the reserve and recommended introducing Amber to donkeys.

It so happened that the child met Shocks there.

A connection immediately arose between them: the donkey allowed himself to be hugged and inspired Amber to be active, which eventually helped her cope with the consequences of paralysis.

Completely mute girl surprises everyone when she tells her therapy donkey these magical words

The girl even learned to ride.

When Amber was three years old, she underwent another operation to restore her vocal cords.

It was successful, but Amber still did not speak.

A few months later in 2013, she went to visit Shocks and spent some time with him. And when she was about to leave the reserve, she suddenly hugged the donkey and said out loud to him, “I love you, Shocks.”

Amber’s parents were delighted.

Completely mute girl surprises everyone when she tells her therapy donkey these magical words

After this incident, Amber quickly went on the mend.

Now she goes to school and grows up as a strong girl, periodically visiting her Shocks.

The fates of the donkey and Amber were not the easiest before their first meeting, but now there is no doubt that a bright future awaits them.


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