Dog missing parts of brain was rescued from euthanasia and is now “the happiest dog in the world”.

This cute and always smiling dog was born in the summer of 2016.

A few months later, he fell into the good hands of Jennifer Osborne.

Dog missing parts of brain was rescued from euthanasia and is now “the happiest dog in the world”.

Moose has been born with a deformed skull, a crooked jaw and part of the brain missing.

Jennifer says that the fact that something was wrong with her pet, she noticed only when her pet was six months old.

Dog missing parts of brain was rescued from euthanasia and is now “the happiest dog in the world”.

Before that, he was quite an ordinary puppy with a slightly atypical appearance.

Having shown Moose to the veterinarians, Mrs. Osborne heard a disappointing diagnosis.

Dog missing parts of brain was rescued from euthanasia and is now “the happiest dog in the world”.

The charming dog is missing part of the brain, he has a crooked nose and an overbite, which brings a lot of difficulties to the animal in his daily dog ​​life.

However, the owner of the dog considers him “the most beautiful, sweetest and smartest boy.”

Dog missing parts of brain was rescued from euthanasia and is now “the happiest dog in the world”.

“I am sure that many people, faced with such problems, euthanize their dogs or return them back to the shelter. But this is definitely not my story. I love him very much, and for me, he will always be the very best,” says the woman.

Jennifer admits that she spends at least $2,000 a month on Moose’s treatment.

Dog missing parts of brain was rescued from euthanasia and is now “the happiest dog in the world”.

And this is given the fact that it is impossible to cure a dog, the purpose of the measures taken is to alleviate the condition of the animal, which often experiences pain and convulsions.

His seizures can last about 30 minutes, and these periods are the most difficult in Jennifer’s life.

Dog missing parts of brain was rescued from euthanasia and is now “the happiest dog in the world”.

Despite the difficulties that Moose has faced throughout his life, he remains a true friend to Jennifer and her other dogs.

“He is the happiest dog I have ever met, and I am grateful that he is my dog. By the way, Moose acts like he’s perfectly healthy. He loves to play with his toys and does not like to share them with his brothers. He believes that they are all for him. He knows he’s a special boy!” – the woman proudly talks about her pet.

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