Cara Brookins courageously chose to end her violent marriage and start over for her kids. With little money and no prior building knowledge, she made the decision to build a house herself with the help of internet guides and unwavering willpower. She paid $20,000 for a one-acre plot of land in 2007 and obtained a $150,000 loan to begin building.
Cara, a computer programmer and mother of five, included her kids, who ranged in age from two to seventeen, in the process. Her eleven-year-old Jada hauled water to mix concrete for the foundation, and her son Drew assisted with the drawings. They collaborated after school, and she employed a firefighter with building knowledge for more difficult jobs.
Their 3,500-square-foot house, known as Inkwell Manor, was finished by March 2009. Cara eventually realized how much the project had grown her personally, even though at first she didn’t think it was something to be proud of. Her narrative serves as an inspiration for the strength of willpower, taking baby steps toward large goals, and leaning on the help of others.