Dreams hold different meanings for different people. While some individuals have vivid dreams and can recall them with clarity, others may not remember dreaming at all.
The significance of dreams has been a topic of debate. Some individuals believe that dreams serve as messages from unseen or unfelt forces, while certain scientists argue that dreams are merely a result of neuronal processes occurring within the brain.
Although our brains remain active during sleep, dreams can take various forms. They can serve as reflections of the events from the preceding day or manifest our fears and anxieties. However, when we dream of a deceased person, it may carry a particular significance.
Such dreams may be viewed as part of the grieving process or as a transitional phase in our own lives. According to Healthline, these dreams are often associated with personal changes, such as starting a new job, moving to a different location, or encountering new people.
Yet, the most important aspect of these dreams lies in the emotions they evoke within us. Rubin Naiman, a Ph.D. holder in psychology and an expert in sleep patterns, suggests that interpreting dreams allows us to decode their meanings, providing psychological enlightenment and expanding our awareness and consciousness.