This is a heartwarming moment, an abandoned blind pit bull, who was neglected her entire life, finally found a forever home.
But when she got her vision back, her happiness doubled.
The moment she sees her foster parents for the first time, is really touching.
Elli and Sam, two kind people, who became Hazel’s foster parents, did everything in their power to adjust their house comfortable for the blind dog, so that she could wander without getting hurt.
And, their endeavors paid off, as Hazel soon showed some good improvements.
But their dream was to find a forever sweet home for her, as they were Hazel’s temporarily fosters, who really take care of her properly, with enormous love and affection.
Unexpectedly, the kind pair succeeded.
Soon, a kindhearted couple, Allison and Pete, fell in love with this adorable dog.
They read the massage about Hazel and decided to adopt her immediately.
The very time, when the pair were going to take Hazel in their house, the blind dog was going to have an eye surgery.
Fortunately, the surgery was successful. The new family was ready to help the adorable dog to recover fully.
After Hazel began to see clearly, her new caring family visited Hazel’s ex foster parents, so that the dog could see them eventually, the kind people, who has been so kind to her.
Her reaction was so heart melting, as she wanted to say them lots of thanks.