During a TV show, an acrobat falls from above in front of her 2-year-old son

During the “America’s Got Talent” TV show, there hasn’t been such an emergency in a long time. Acrobat Mary Wolf-Nielsen fell from a height during the broadcast. The number was represented by two Mary and her husband, Tys Nielsen.

During a TV show, an acrobat falls from above in front of her 2-year-old son
Nielsen performed the number blindfolded with black cloth. He was supposed to hold Mary, but his hands slipped and she fell to the ground, where a fire had been lit for effect.

During a TV show, an acrobat falls from above in front of her 2-year-old son
The woman fell, shocking the jury and the audience, which included her two-year-old son and his grandmother. However, when the acrobat got up, it became clear that she was uninjured.

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