A farmer discovers a massive egg, but what lies inside is even more mysterious.

The daily collection of eggs from his chickens provided the Australian farmer with the biggest surprise of his life.

One of his hens laid an egg that was three times the size of a regular egg and weighed 6.2 ounces.

Stockman’s Eggs, located on the Atherton Tablelands in north Queensland, is the source of the babushka egg.
A farmer discovers a massive egg, but what lies inside is even more mysterious.

Scott Stockman, the company’s owner, tweeted a photo of the incredible find his crew made on the land.

As odd as it appears next to an egg of the same size, what they found inside the egg after cracking it open is possibly even more so.

Another perfectly formed egg was within the shell.

To have two perfectly developed eggs together is “just incredible,” Scott told ABC News Australia.
A farmer discovers a massive egg, but what lies inside is even more mysterious.

A Charles Sturt University veterinary sciences professor said he’d never seen anything like it. According to associate professor Raf Freire, the hen must have laid an egg normally but then abandoned it.

The following day, he continued, “there has been another ovum released,” rather than the typical egg being laid.

That dropped, and then the hen went ahead and made a shell for both that and the egg she laid the day before.

Experts agreed that the egg was safe to eat, but Scott explained that the company receives 50,000 eggs every day, so they “didn’t bother eating it.”
A farmer discovers a massive egg, but what lies inside is even more mysterious.

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